OK, Thanks For Dinner

About a month ago I decided to sign up for OKCupid given that I had been on the market for several months (ladies that’s your cue) and found that meeting girls outside of work was, well, really hard work.

The first date I went on was a flop. She ended the date early, saying she wasn’t feeling well. Honestly I was happy she did.
The second date was entirely different. This one was tall, blonde and attractive to the point that I wondered why she had even agreed to a date with me. But we got along well, talking at length at a Starbucks until we were ushered out of the place around the closing hour. I suggested we see a movie and being a gentleman I paid for her ticket. Now, I’m not the type of guy to make out with a girl in the movie theater on the first date. Still, the three hours of The Hobbit weren’t  that awkward, helped by some extremely funny parts. After the movie it started to rain so we called it a night and she flagged a cab home.
The next day I text her to see if she made it home but really to feel out the possibility of a second date. She gives me the “this week is really hectic for me” routine. Several texts later I haven’t heard from her since.

In general, I’d say most girls on OKCupid are not trying to swindle hopeful dates for a free dinner, but even for the ones doing it subconsciously, guys ought to be forewarned. I recommend that your first date with someone you meet on a dating site involves doing something free or just taking a walk. I’m constantly trolling ‘freebie’ websites and I’m always disappointed when I have nobody to go see a free concert or art show with. Hopefully enjoying free stuff isn’t the only thing you two will have in common, but it’s somewhere to start.

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