
If you’re like me, you have a million thoughts every day but no one to share them with. Fortunately that’s why people write blogs. This blog will be a little unique in that I will stipulate strict daily quotas on myself. Each and every day I will write exactly 300 words (minus the title) and post one picture. Why the strict word quota? For one, I know that if I don’t force myself to do something and if I don’t have a metric with which to measure my goal it, ain’t gonna happen. Which brings me to the second reason – the goal itself. Like Haruki Marakami, author and runner, writes in his memoir What I Talk About When I Talk About Running,creation is something that requires more than just talent (although talent is inextricably tied to success); creation also requires focus and endurance. (

If you don’t train your ‘focus muscles’ every day, they will inevitably atrophy. Likewise if you never practice something, such as writing, you can’t expect to ever have the stamina to achieve great things like writing a novel, something I have determined I will do by the time I turn 26.

I should note that I will mainly be posting these entries from my Kindle Fire, including the illustrations, which I will be using the free app, ‘Whiteboard’ to produce. This program, which is essential a mini-version of Microsoft Paint, is liberating because of how few tools you can actually use. And yet, I find it capable of remarkable sophistication.

Thank you for your interest in my blog, I hope that I can provide useful insight based on my experiences in graphic design, marketing, architecture, business and entrepreneurship. If you’d like to email me for any reason my address is located on this blog.

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